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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Risau... Risau... Risau..... :(

Hisy.... Saya risau btol ngan keadaan mak saya tu.. Dia sakit... Semalam pergi hospital, doktor suruh masuk wad tp dia xnk.. last2 doktor give her 2 choices, after 2 days if she still unwell she has to be ward and doc akan masukkan satu botol air... or masuk jugak wad ari ni.. ble mak ke sape2 je la yang sakit sy selalu terfikir n berimaginasi if they die.. what will i do..?? Ya Allah,berikanlah kesembuhan kepada ibu ku.. Amin...


  1. InsyaAllah dear, berdoalah. aku pn doakan smoga mak ang sntiasa sihat ;)

  2. Insya Allah... Amin.. thanks syg.. :)
